However, unlike Parallels for M1 Macs, VMware Fusion for Apple Silicon will not ship with official support for Windows 10 or Windows 11 for Arm. VMWare Horizon Client and Mac OS Big Sur 11.
I am running the most recent version of the VMWare Horizon Client for MacOS - Version 2106 Build 8. I have successfully installed a Kali Linux virtual machine on VMware Fusion on my MacBook just fine but if I do apt-get update then apt-get upgrade it updates then when I reboot it shows a login screen. This issue may occur with high-‐‑resolution displays or multi-‐‑ monitor configurations. You need to be a member in order to leave a comment If you are a Apple Mac user you already experienced few issues with your applications due to the enhanced security in the Operating System Updates, I had some issues with my virtual machines, VMware Fusion Virtual Machine black screen appeared after the macOS Catalina update. When I start the game the Vista screen goes black and nothing happens.